Awards & Recognitions

Check out recent achievements

Leadership in Recruitment

Participated in recruitment drive to hire candidates for associated companies.

IoT Seminar at DRIEMS

IoT Seminar at DRIEMS college. participation towards cutting edge technology & base foundation of technocrats.

Pune Hackathon

Achived top-1 position at Pune HACKATHON conducted online with a participation of 140+ IT companies in India.

Algo Workshop

Online Algo development & deployment workshop with 500+ participants. Complete process learning from env. setup till deployment & tests.

#SocialRise Platform

Awarded for presentation on #SocialRise Platform to create thousands of employments across all sectors. Awarded by Avigna Enterprise.

AK Fame Fest

Participation with #AkReviews on digital social media tools & auto-elevation process. Brainstorming on Chat-Bot for next generation.

Emerging Cloud Entrepreneur 2021

In association with leading IT vendors organized Startup cloud computing seminars. Grabbed Emerging Cloud Entrepreneur 2021 award for contribution on Tech. skill on cloud computing.